Gregor Johann Mendel

Gregor Johann Mendel

For students and children
MU Brno, 1. vydání, 2017

With slight exaggeration, this comic describes the life of an exceptional personality, Gregor Johann Mendel. Meet the scientist who not only conducted experiments on plants, which laid foundations of modern genetics, but with the same amount of enthusiasm perfected bee hives and observed and described tornadoes. Come and have a laugh doing sudoku or coloring “mendelas".

kat. č.: 111964
ISBN-13: 978-80-210-8535-0
ISBN-10: 80-210-8535-5
EAN: 9788021085350
jazyk: anglický
stran: 16, ilustrace
vazba: sešit
rozměry: 210x300 mm
váha: 95 g
barva: barevně
Cena: 80,- Kč
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