Principles of Imaging Methods

Principles of Imaging Methods

for Medical Students
Karolinum, 1. vydání, 2022

Intended for medical students, this book provides a brief and concise overview of current imaging methods, their technical principles, basic indications, and contraindications. It acquaints students with the potentials and yields of various diagnostic methods for specific illnesses, as well as the diagnostic procedures for individual conditions. It also instructs students on the principles of radiation protection.
The publication is intended exclusively for students of general medicine, not for radiology students in specialized post-graduate training.

kat. č.: 111615
ISBN-13: 978-80-246-5059-3
ISBN-10: 80-246-5059-2
EAN: 9788024650593
jazyk: anglický
stran: 120, fotografie, ilustrace
vazba: brožovaná
rozměry: 160x230 mm
váha: 222 g
barva: barevně
Cena: 190,- Kč
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