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Atlas of Nuclear Cardiology:

Atlas of Nuclear Cardiology:

Imaging Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease
Elsevier, 1. vydání, Expert Consult - Online and Print, 2011

"Atlas of Nuclear Cardiology" provides detailed guidance on how to and how not to perform imaging studies so you can get the best image quality and avoid artifacts. Ami E. Iskandrian and the editorial team responsible for "Braunwald's Heart Disease" bring you the most clinically relevant, case-based, evidence-based, practical, and contemporary atlas of nuclear cardiology. High-quality, full-color images ensure that you get the possible results.

kat. č.: 100533
ISBN-13: 978-1-4160-6134-2
ISBN-10: 1-4160-6134-7
EAN: 9781416061342
jazyk: anglický
stran: 453
vazba: vázaná
rozměry: 224x280 mm
váha: 1612 g
barva: barevně
běžná cena: 4 200,- Kč
Vaše cena: 2 000,- Kč
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